Saturday, October 10, 2009

can you read my mind?

Today was a totally excellent day in the city of sin. I worked out of the SF office this morning; I had meetings from 9 to 1, and then I quietly peaced out around 1:30 to spend the rest of the day working from home. I was actually quite productive at home; I made a dent in my self-assessment (due a month ago, but I tend to put that kind of stuff off in favor of getting things done that actually impact the business), sent and answered some emails, and did a totally critical load of laundry.

I wrapped up a little after six when Adit and Priyanka arrived, bearing snacky snacks for Adit's birthday party tonight. We sat around and discussed very little, and then Priyanka and I took a trip over to Little Star to pick up my all-time favorite pizza (well, it's no Casey's sausage pizza, which is amazingly good considering it's made in a greasy kitchen in the back of a convenience store, but it's my favorite high-class pizza) while Adit went for a run. Jon Dunn showed up shortly after that; he's staying with us tonight, and when he took a shower he was v. excited by my Herbal Essences "Tousle Me Softly" shampoo and conditioner (it doesn't really lead to a more tousled look, but I fell for the marketing anyway). We all got ready, then headed over to the bar around the corner from us; Adit has like a million friends, and so we packed the place to the point that the doorkeeper was getting annoyed at the number of people there for the birthday party.

Happily, many of my friends showed up; I spent most of the evening with Oniel (who was, amazingly, fairly early), Roopa, Folkman, Javier, John, and Jess. So, it was all v. pleasant, even if the bar was so crowded that I couldn't see anything; it's a good thing that my constant difficulty in crowds has bred the claustrophobia out of me rather than enhanced it, since there were multiple times in the night when Jav and Oniel were both hugging me at the same time just to conserve space. We also played a game of pool, took turns signing Oniel's bandage around his messed-up finger, and generally had a good time.

Surprisingly, I did not get drunk; in fact, I barely drank at all. Jon Dunn bought me something early, the name of which I do not know (it tasted like a glass of vodka with just a hint of juice), and then I stuck to Diet Coke. I expect that tomorrow's all-day wine tasting extravaganza will get me into enough trouble without me starting with a hangover.

Now, though, I really must go to bed; if I'm going to take BART over to Berkeley, I need to get up around seven (although the notion of driving, thus saving 30-45 mins of public transportation and thus being able to wake up closer to eight a.m. is becoming increasingly appealing, even if it means that I will have to sober up in the afternoon/early evening tomorrow). Happy day-after-your-birthday, Adit!

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