Saturday, April 27, 2019

so i find you and hold you down

I was singularly lazy today, which was probably what I needed - I'll be with people the next couple of weekends, and I was in Iowa last weekend (seems hard to believe, since it feels like forever already), so my inner hermit needed to hermit the fuck out. I mostly succeeded at that goal - after staying up until 2:30am reading, I slept until 9:30, went down to make coffee and peanut butter toast, sat on my couch to eat the toast...and ended up rereading SYLVESTER until 2pm. It's another Georgette Heyer; I didn't read the whole thing, but there are some particularly funny moments in this one, as well as a quote that was engraved on my old Motorola phone six years ago, so that was fun (but v. lazy).

Then I realized I was starving again, so I showered and walked over to Kalita Grill, where I had v. tasty mediterranean food. On my way home, I stopped at the Benjamin Moore store nearby to look at paint colors again - this is my third visit there, and in three visits, not a single person has said hi to me or asked if I needed help. So I probably won't be buying my paint there, but I felt no shame at taking like a hundred of their paint chips.

Then I came home and was mostly slothful for most of the night - it's way more fun to look at paint and art and a variety of decorating sites than it is to do anything productive. But I did manage to write for almost an hour, since I was feeling inspired by my Georgette Heyer binge read. And now I really need to sleep, since I have actual social plans tomorrow and also need to get actual things done - goodnight!

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