Friday, April 10, 2020

you just don't care what you look like, the world is falling around you

Today was a bit weird, but probably would have been considered normal in the beforetimes. I woke up and laid in bed longer than I planned, but I still was able to meditate, journal, and shower before my first meeting of the day. I only slogged for a few hours - while I realize it's bizarre to feel like I need a break right now, I need a break right now, and so I took the afternoon off. That mostly meant I messed around the house. I also ran a quick errand to Target, which was probably stupid; what I got wasn't completely life-threateningly essential, so if I get the 'rona I will deserve it. That said, my leaving-the-house protocol is quite strict, involves a mask and gloves, and requires that I use a paper shopping list (so I can leave my phone in the car) and that I disinfect everything with alcohol when I get home, so I think it's about as good as it can be.

Then I came home, did a bit more house stuff, and had a socially distant happy hour with Kristen. It abruptly started to thunder/rain right at the end, which was a v. unwelcome turn of events, but that only lasted a few minutes. Then I took some time to make a v. v. tasty dinner - I had defrosted some thick boneless pork chops and brined they yesterday, and so today I cooked them and also made an excellent parmesan polenta. These two things go perfectly together, both from a taste perspective and from a preparation perspective - the polenta takes 40+ minutes to cook, while the pork chops take about ten (with five additional minutes to rest), so you can make them together without feeling rushed. Tonight's version turned out particularly well; it's too bad polenta leftovers aren't quite as tasty as fresh polenta, but I think I'll survive.

Then I messed around online and journaled a bit more, and now I need to sleep - goodnight!

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