Wednesday, April 01, 2020

take all your fears, pretend they're all true, take all your plans, pretend they fell through

Quarantine continues, obvi. I woke up this morning and meditated and journaled before work, and I also took a full shower (with hair washing and leg shaving and everything), so I almost felt like a bona fide well-adjusted adult. I then slogged from nine-ish to five-ish, when I took a break to drive around the neighborhood and run to the post office (I should have walked, but the clouds were looking ominous - it was seventy degrees this afternoon, but it's going to snow tomorrow).

When I got home, I made a margarita (double margarita) and talked to Veronica for quite awhile - we were v. overdue for a catch-up, so we had a virtual happy hour and discussed a wide variety of topics (both writing and otherwise). Then I ate some leftover enchiladas and did a bit more journaling. And then I spent the last couple of hours working - I've been studiously avoiding work many nights, but I was feeling just enough behind that a couple of hours tonight were well-placed to alleviate some of my underlying puritanical guilt/stress.

Finally, let's all wish a v happy (in the midst of ongoing death) birthday to Ritu, the original master of disaster....and also a v happy birth to Claudia's baby! Goodnight!

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