Thursday, October 01, 2020

bid my blood to run before i come undone

Long day....many meetings, more time spent trying to craft one single perfect email, and a delicious salmon and spicy tuna poke bowl for lunch (delivered, of course). I took a break at 4:30 to hang out with Caroline, who brought snacks to go with a bottle of rose from my fridge, which we enjoyed on my back patio. 'Enjoyed' may have been too strong - it was chilly, hazy, smoky, and my couches had visible ash on them, but it was still great to see Caroline and discuss many tings from a distance of 6-8 feet rather than over our screens.

Then she left, I talked to [censored] for awhile, went way too deep on Twitter (wear a mask, kids!), and then pulled out of Twitter and worked on day job stuff for the last two hours. And now I really need to sleep since I have tings to do tomorrow - goodnight!

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