Sunday, October 18, 2020

listen all y'all, it's a sabotage

Suddenly it's late and I need to go to bed immediately. But I was v. productive today - shockingly so, considering that I usually spend Sundays indulging in the Sunday Scaries and talking on the phone. It's even more shocking because I didn't sleep well last night, and so I woke up groggy and not at all in it to win it.

However, I did manage to meditate, journal, and take care of a couple of tings this morning and make myself an omelette, so that was all a win. Then I met up with V for a virtual writing date - I messed around with the epiphany that I had about the book yesterday and validated that it really is an epiphany. It's going to require replotting the whole thing and perhaps dramatically shifting my understanding of it, but that's pretty exciting and I'm planning to tackle it in the morning before the day job sucks me in.

After V and I said our farewells, I did some laundry, ate some lunch, and took a brief nap. But then I rallied - my task for the afternoon was to blow out my sprinklers, and I actually accomplished it and am pretty sure I did it correctly, so that was v. exciting. The air compressor that my dad and I bought last year has now paid for itself in terms of not having to hire someone else to blow out the sprinklers - and I feel v. satisfied for having done it myself. Of course, it took about an hour by the time I messed around with getting it hooked up and then blowing out each zone - switching zones required going back to the garage to switch the control box, and each zone needed to be blown out with 2-3 compressor cycles of air, which meant some time spent recharging the compressor between every cycle. But it's done now, so I don't think I have to worry about flooding my basement with a broken pipe anytime soon.

After I was done with that, I talked to my parents for an hour or so while taking care of some stuff in the garden (trimming back stuff that needed trimmed, planting some iris that Barbara had given me and hoping it survives). Then I made instant pot beef stew - it takes time, but it's so so worth it, and this may be the best batch I've ever made.

And now, after having done some more adulting things this evening, I think it's time for bed - goodnight!

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