Sunday, July 30, 2023

addicted to betrayal, but you're relevant

Another lovely day of #smalltownlife. Veronica and I hung out on my balcony most of the morning, and I alternated between mural stuff and writing depending on my mood / focus. Then we had lunch before going out to the round barn for a tour - my mom very graciously showed us around, and it's always good to revisit the place.

Then we went to the house for awhile to see my dad (and continue the conversation with my mom). After, V and I went into town to get the mural festival table from the fairgrounds and grab a few groceries. And then we came home, sat on the balcony and wrote a bit more, and then I made us a v. proper midwestern dinner - tater tot casserole (albeit my bougie gluten free version, not the standard Campbell's soup-based version). It was v. tasty, if I do say so myself, and Veronica and [censored] both seemed to enjoy it.

And now, despite the early hour, I'm trying to wind down so I can go to bed - goodnight!

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