Saturday, February 03, 2024

lay your weary head to rest

I can't believe my retreat is already over - this one was way too fast. I did some excellent brainstorming today, and I got Starbucks twice, and I refrained from buying a sweatshirt like I usually do. I also ate a poke bowl for lunch and came up with a killer playlist for my work in progress, so that was all a delight. It helped that the sun was out for most of the day, unexpectedly, which always boosts my mood.

When it was time for dinner, some of us ordered Thai and some ordered Mexican - I went with the latter even though we had it Tuesday because they had margaritas to go. And then we all sat around and talked until it was time to start winding down (and packing) - my flight isn't egregiously early tomorrow, but I'll have to set an alarm, so wish me luck. Goodnight!

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