Friday, April 26, 2024

don't hesitate to maybe overcompensate

I had a very lovely day despite a lot of rain in the morning and a lot of possible tornadoes in the evening. I dragged the friendship renewal crew into town to grab a donated check for the library (long story), and then we looked at the farm aid mural, drove through millerton to look at the tattoo mural, and proceeded on to- -  Pella. It's a v Dutch town that throws a big tulip festival every year, and while we're a week too early for the festival, that's probably a good thing because there might not be any tulips left by next weekend. 

When we got to Pella it was raining, so we immediately had lunch - the bison poutine was outstanding and my corn chowder was great. The rain stopped during lunch, so we walked along the canal (and had a hilarious encounter with some cold-looking gen Zers), and then we explored all the tulips in the town square. They really made all of us want to plant tulips, which was probably the point. We also walked by the mill, walked to the sunken gardens, did some shopping, etc.

We stood in line at the famous bakery for quite awhile, which was #worthit, and I also introduced myself to a friend of my dad's who runs a butcher shop. Thus fully sated with all things Dutch, we drove home and took a bit of a break before having dinner in Garden Grove.

Dinner was a delight and v tasty, and we heard some excellent [censored] stories and saw some possible meth heads while leaving, which I think added to the Iowa experience. Then we spent the evening glued to the weather reports - there were a lot of tornadoes around, but none that endangered us, so hopefully the damage elsewhere isn't too bad.

And now I desperately need to sleep - goodnight!

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