Sunday, April 14, 2024

earned all this money, but they never take the country out me

I somehow did way more than I wanted today and also way less than I intended to, so I'm not sure how to chalk that up in terms of progress. I spent the morning cleaning my balcony - with friends coming into town and the weather heating up, I decided it was time to make my balcony furniture more inviting. So I used my leaf blower to blow dirt off my couch and balcony, scrubbed the adirondack chairs, and scrubbed the railings and any other area that had bird poop on it. It's impossible to get a balcony fully clean, and it's pretty clear that I either need to repaint or do something different at some point soonish, but it's all much nicer than it was. I even lazed outside on my couch after dark tonight and it was pretty much perfect.

After cleaning the balcony, I did a few tings, took a shower, and then made ham balls. This was a multi-hour saga, partially because I had to find supplies (meat grinder, extra baking dishes, etc.) that were scattered throughout my house. I made three batches, which sounds more impressive if I tell you it's ten pounds. And I cooked them all, but by the time I was done, it was too late to take them out to my parents' freezer (since I don't have room in mine), so that will be a tomorrow errand.

By the time I was done with all that, I was pretty wiped out. [Censored] and I ate leftover salmon for dinner, and then I met [censored] at [censored] so I could give him a ride home. I then spent the rest of the evening cleaning up the kitchen, doing some online tasks, etc. And now it's time for bed - goodnight!

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