Saturday, April 20, 2024

if the line ends out on the road there's a story meant to be told

There's lots to do, as we like to say around here, but I think I'm going to go to bed. I wasn't as in it to win it as I wanted to be this morning, but I did get around and drop of some returns at the post office before grabbing some groceries. I spent the day doing a variety of household tasks - I'm in the midst of a major cleanup before my friendship renewal crew arrives next weekend. Some of the tasks involved [censored], as they often do. I took all the books and stuff off my office bookshelves so that [censored] could anchor them to the wall - they have never threatened to tip, but I intend to have someone sleep on an air mattress in my office, and I would feel quite horrible if they were crushed by all my books. [Censored] also put up the towel bars / robe hook that we'd been meaning to put in the main floor bathroom for a year, so this was quite an improvement.

Beyond that, I also did quite a bit of reorganizing in my bedroom and office, finally finished unpacking from my trip, etc. At some point, it was time for supper, so [censored] and I picked up Casey's pizza and took it out to our parents' house, where we had a lovely time hanging out for awhile. And then I spent the rest of the night putting all my books back on my bookshelves, tidying up my desk, etc.

And now, it's time for bed - tomorrow is all the vacuuming, dusting, and making of beds, so wish me luck. Goodnight!

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