Monday, April 29, 2024

there's a hole in the sky with your name in the cracks

Wow, I'm exhausted - but the day was as smooth as it could be, so I guess I'll take it. I woke up at four a.m. in a cold sweat - actually, I woke up at 3:59am and shut off my alarm before it could wake up Joann. I'm guessing the shower I took to deal with the cold sweat probably woke her up, but I attempted to sneak out as stealthily as I could. I made it to the airport by five, which was cutting it closer than I usually do for my six a.m. flight - but the Des Moines airport is easy and I didn't need breakfast, so I made it with time to spare.

I slept most of the way to Denver, where I had a longish layover - so I had a leisurely breakfast and drank coffee while doing some day job work. Then I caught my flight to SF, which I also mostly spent sleeping. You would think that all this plane sleep might have refreshed me, but since I came into today with a deficit from all the fun this weekend, I'm still catching up.

As soon as I got to SFO, I grabbed an uber and went to the work conference I'm attending. Today was mostly a prep day, so I helped with what prep still needed to happen when I got there - and got to meet people in person whom I hadn't met yet. Everyone seems to be a hugger, which is nice if you're into that sort of thing (which I am).

Sometime after three it was clear that I had no more useful services to provide, so I checked into my hotel, unpacked, and then ventured out on a couple of errands (buying a laptop sleeve for my new work laptop, and buying socks since I somehow only packed three pairs and prob need more than that). I also grabbed a pizza at Delfina, since I couldn't fathom waiting to eat until 7:30pm with other people who were going out (nor could I fathom going out in a group of twelve).

I've been casually falling asleep for the last hour, so I think I'm going to go ahead and go to bed - tomorrow is an early day and I need to look a little more put together than I sometimes do, so I should go to bed. Goodnight!

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