Wednesday, January 31, 2018

if you're gonna let me down, let me down gently

So, my landlord showed up this morning as I was leaving for work (which made me a few minutes late) - and when he examined everything in the apartment after I was gone, both the clothes dryer and the oven were working. Bizarro. At least I pay my rent on time, so he can't totally complain, right?

Anyway, work was a long and painful slog without any breaks - from 9-6pm I was in meetings literally all day except for 10-11, which was not enough time to get work done (but plenty of time in meetings to tell other people to do work for me, I guess). Then I left and had dinner with Marty (who is visiting from Dublin) and his wife Jen, and also Christine (who is based here and who I'm determined to befriend because #yolo). Christine chose a vegan place that was oh-so-close but oh-so-far from my beloved Chipotle (they share a parking lot; they do not share carnitas). Most of the dishes involved some sort of fake meat, most of which I can't eat because a lot of fake meat involves gluten products. But I had a chickpea tikka masala that was pretty tasty - it's naturally vegan, and so while I probably should have avoided the rice that came with it, I decided that this was the best tradeoff. And the conversation was fun and we were all introverted enough to want to be done by 7:15, so that was perfect.

Then I came home, drank a glass of wine, and read a couple more chapters of MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MANUSCRIPTS - one about a v. important Bible from the 700s that was made in England but ended up in Italy, and one about the Book of Kells (which was breathtaking to see in Dublin oh so many years ago, but the twelve years since I lived in Ireland is a blink of an eye compared to the ancient history of that book).

And now I need to sleep - I actually wrote this morning (again) and I want to keep it going. Goodnight!


Vidya said...

when you wrote landlord, definitely thought you were talking about me

Sara said...

@Vidya - now I am sad. You're still the landlord of my heart!