Thursday, January 25, 2018

the way we were before

Today was long, but somewhat rewarding - I didn't make it to the office until ten (so I missed breakfast again), but I had meetings straight from 10am to 6:30pm with v. little break. However, the breaks I did have were good - they had baked potatoes and chili as an afternoon snack, and it happened to coincide with a 'cheese-off' that a coworker had planned and that I'd helped with - I had taken two kinds of bleu cheese, and all the cheeses that people brought were v. tasty.

Anyway, having meetings last until 6:30 is fairly rare in my current situation, but that's what happened, so I was tired by the end of it. But I had dinner plans out - a couple of coworkers were visiting from other offices, so nine of us ended up at Next Door. It was quite fun, and I had a tasty salad (which I didn't even want after all the potatoes and cheese). I should probably go to other places at some point, since I've been there twice already and haven't explored nearly all the restaurants on Pearl or anywhere else in Boulder - but for tonight, it was great.

Then I came home, got ready for bed, and read for awhile - I didn't read the rest of my cracktastic fantasy book that I started the other day because I knew I would stay up too late to finish it, so instead I picked up a nonfiction book that's been sitting on my shelves forever (IRRESISTIBLE NORTH, about two Venetian brothers from the 1300s who may have sailed around the North Atlantic). It's pretty good so far, but I was falling asleep as I was reading it, so now I think it's time for bed for real. Goodnight!

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