Saturday, March 23, 2019

but at night it's a different world, go out and find a girl

I have boarded my flight from Washington Dulles to Dublin, and I'm waiting for the doors to close. Today was a mad scramble to get out the door - I haven't flown international in almost a year, and there were all sorts of things I remembered that I might want. So I ended up checking a bag rather than flying with the carry on that I packed last night, which was probably the right call. And I did a bunch of random stuff like scanning my tax documents and downloading my manuscript so that I will be prepared to do some of my own work while I'm gone.

But despite the scramble, I made it to the airport in time to have a salad and a glass of rose, and then my flight from Denver to IAD was uneventful. I finally finished CROOKED KINGDOM and started SHADOW AND BONE, which I will probably read more of than is advisable on this flight. When I got to Dulles, I had a burger and some more wine and did some more day job stuff - but now I'm going to sleep, read, and generally try to survive economy class for the next seven hours.

And now it's time to go - goodnight!

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