Tuesday, November 26, 2019

there will be an answer, let it be

Today was not particularly noteworthy. I woke up and did some day job stuff, unfortunately - there is still a lot going on, and I find it hard to disconnect. But I got through some stuff that I felt had to get done, and I think the rest of the week will be blessedly quiet.

After that, I spent the rest of the day messing around the house and contemplating things to get rid of in the basement (in conjunction with my mom and [censored], who were also confronting the many and varied things that we have accumulated over the decades). [censored] and I also ran into town to complete a couple of errands - we're in a high wind advisory tonight, with the potential for thunderstorms / tornadoes / hail (it's been lightning outside off and on for the last couple of hours). None of the bad things are likely to happen, and instead it's likely that tomorrow will be super bleak before everything freezes over. But still, it was good to get out and accomplish stuff before the apocalypse hit.

Then we came home, I messed around a bit more, and we eventually had supper (ribeye grilled outside since the wind hadn't picked up yet, plus fried potatoes and green beans, yum). I watched some fine CBS programming with my mom, but eventually decided that I would rather be accomplishing stuff downstairs - which I did with mixed results.

And now, I need to sleep - goodnight!

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