Monday, September 06, 2021

watermelon sugar

I have nothing of interest to report today. Tings with my dad are stable - since it's a holiday weekend he couldn't get the test he needed, so he's chilling in the hospital until they can do the test tomorrow (and then potentially some tings after that). My mom went up to Des Moines to spend the day with him, but since there is no way for me or [censored] to go into the hospital and there is no reason for us to sit in the parking lot for eight hours and look at our usual tree, we opted to stay home.

This was a good thing, since our air conditioner was broken (as of last night) which means it was a balmy 84 degrees or so in here this morning. I have taken the general life approach of trying to make enough money to pay people to fix things for me, but it turns out that money is a useless joke here because there is no one to hire and we likely couldn't have gotten someone out to fix it. Luckily [censored] has spent the better part of a decade acquiring tools and watching YouTube videos and teaching himself how to do things, so [censored] was actually able to fix the air conditioner. I was completely not helpful on that one, but I did make him an omelette, so I think that counts for something.

I then spent the afternoon getting some tings organized, buying groceries, watering my mom's plants, and generally trying to take care of stuff. I also did an hour and a half of day job work (along with another two hours tonight) - I still have some stuff that I absolutely must do while sitting in the parking lot staring at a tree tomorrow, so hopefully I can accomplish it before anything substantive happens with my dad. And I paused to make an extremely delicious supper - I wanted takeout but the only place we can get takeout was closed for labor day, so I had to cook. But I made some creamy chicken mushroom parmesan and some mashed potatoes that were really excellent, so my mom and [censored] were pretty happy with my efforts.

And now I should sleep - [censored] and I are driving up to sit in the parking lot tomorrow during my dad's procedure, so we'll see how tings go. Goodnight!

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