Monday, September 20, 2021

working for the weekend

As I declared last night, I decided to take today off as well in an effort to further my recovery. I think this was a smart move - I got a lot of sleep last night, and my pain is in much better shape today, but I still tire easily and am sore (especially depending on how I sit). Of course, I may regret it tomorrow since I'm so far behind on work that it's laughable, but that's a problem for Future Sara to resolve.

sssanyway, I slept in this morning, then took it easy with tea and my journal and other distractions. At some point Sarah-Frances showed up bearing some gifts (in the form of frozen meals + iced coffee), so we chatted for an hour or so, which was a v. welcome break. Then I ordered some pho for lunch, messed around, took one meeting just to find out what's going on at work in case I need to know anything for tomorrow, and then messed around the rest of the day. I did force myself to do some house tasks just so that I could have things a little more tidy for tomorrow, and I also reheated one of the frozen meals that Sarah-Frances brought me (which was a winner).

At that point, things were already pretty boring, so I ended the day by finishing THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS AN EASY JOB, which was the novel I started a few days ago. I thought it was really nice, all in all - the vaguely supernatural elements didn't pan out quite the way that I expected them to, but it was a lovely book to spend a few hours with.

And now, even though it's only 10:13, I'm going to consider going to bed early so that I can get as much sleep as possible before having to start things tomorrow. Goodnight!

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