Thursday, April 27, 2023

deep in my bones i can feel you, take me back to a time only we knew

I apparently forgot to blog last night - I blame the headache that I had all day, and that continues (albeit better) today. My allergies are killing me - unless it's covid, but I guess I'll find that out if [censored] gets 'allergies' a couple of days from now. But I'm pretty sure it's allergies, since I'm itchy in addition to congested and headachy, and I don't think itchiness is a covid symptom (but idk). We'll see!

Anyway, yesterday was pretty uneventful, although I did make dinner using ground beef and a sauce packet that promised 'Thai krapow', which I have renamed 'Thai Maidrite'. It was actually pretty tasty and extremely easy, so I would eat it again, especially since it was gluten free and it can be hard to find gluten free premixed prep sauces. I had it again for lunch today, as did [censored], so at least I didn't have to make lunch.

Today, I unfortunately didn't write despite having some killer ideas yesterday afternoon. Instead, I did some mural festival stuff in the morning, ate lunch, and took a nap in deference to my headache. I wrote a little bit of non-book stuff this afternoon, then talked to Veronica (who was in fine form). And then I made dinner - salmon teriyaki with roasted broccoli and rice, which I haven't made in awhile, but is always delicious. [censored] and I also watched a bunch of comedy stuff, mostly related to the late great Norm MacDonald, so that was entertaining.

And now, I need to sleep since I do want to get some serious writing done tomorrow (at least in the morning) - goodnight!

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