Monday, April 30, 2018

trying to throw your arms around the world

I just very stupidly stayed up working until after midnight, which does not bode well for tomorrow. However, I hadn't answered any emails since last Wednesday, so I was overdue. Today was a pretty good first day in Dublin - I got to the office around 10, ate some breakfast and started catching up, and then had meetings all afternoon. I took a few hours off this evening, and had dinner at a restaurant that I used to go to when I lived here - it's a totally different restaurant now, but the space is super distinctive (under the rapid transit station, so it's in a low tunnel, which is pretty cool) and the food is better than it was, so all in all I was happy to have a couple of hours there and relive old times.

Then I came back to my hotel, took a nap, read twitter, and worked for a couple of hours. And now I need to go to bed and hope the jetlag is kind to me - goodnight!

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