Saturday, April 21, 2018

wake me up when it's all over

I'm typing from my phone, so expect typos. I had a very busy day despite spending it alone - I woke up before eight (unprecedented) and spent the morning taking care of things around the house while also doing some day job stuff.

But I needed some indulgent #treatyoself time - so eventually I left the house, had a late lunch at a Mediterranean place that I recently discovered, and then drove into Denver to visit a mall that is substantially nicer than the stuff around here.

My shopping excursion was better than usual (great for my closet, bad for my budget). I came v close to buying a new ipad as well, but I exercised extreme seff control by walking away.

When I got home, I walked to Pizzeria Locale for a quick dinner - it was exactly what I wanted, especially since I got some writing done. But now it's time for bed - goodnight!

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