Monday, April 02, 2018

under the bridge

I had a gorgeous day to myself in the city of sin - I only got six hours of fitful slumber, but I awoke feeling surprisingly alive. So I threw on some pants and went out to get some Philz coffee, which delighted me. Then I packed, showered, left my hotel, bought some of my favorite gel pens at my favorite Japanese stationery store, and had lunch at Dosa because I've been craving Indian food and have yet to satisfy my addictions in Boulder.

Then I went to Hayes Valley to browse, and then I drove out to Ocean Beach, sat on a bench overlooking the water, and talked to my parents. It was an idyllic day, and I was feeling nostalgic for my old life...

...but my new life is pretty great too, and I'm glad to be home. I went to the airport super early and ate and drank some wine and worked for a couple of hours before boarding. I sat next to a pilot, who was interesting; I also read a little and slept a little.

But no amount ofosleep could make tonight better - my flight landed at midnight, so I got home at 1:15, and now it's two a.m. and I have to be at the office in less than eight hours. Gross. So it's time for bed - goodnight!

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