Thursday, January 10, 2019

we got the beat

Way too much work today, tbh - I woke up a little after six, was in the office around 7:15, and then slogged straight until a morning meeting with my VP, followed by meetings until five p.m. without any breaks. I did get to take one of my meetings while walking around outside, which was kind of nice, but didn't actually make up for the fact that I was otherwise in meetings all day.

At five, though, I left the office - but I had a work dinner, so it wasn't total downtime. The managers who report to me and I went to Shana Thai, which is one of my go-tos when I'm in California - I have not found Thai food that is up to my standards in Colorado, so this really made me happy. The conversation was also quite entertaining, so that's great, but it wasn't totally downtime. And then when I got back to my hotel, I had to slog through a fairly annoying task that I'd been putting off because I knew it would take two hours to do, but I couldn't put it off any longer.

Now it's time to go to bed and dream of a time when I won't have to work this many hours (i.e. this weekend) - goodnight!

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