Monday, August 12, 2019

you could be my one regret, infinitely spiraling me down

Today was pretty good, although I really wanted a vacation from my vacation and so was not maximally productive. But I got up and wrote for a whole hour before work, which felt great. I then slogged all day, although not particularly well - my work phone is having a syncing issue and my laptop at some point decided to spontaneously install an update and shut itself down for thirty minutes, so I got a forced lunch break out of that tech failure.

I eventually left around 5:45, stopped at Container Store to pick up containers I ordered yesterday, came home, and put water on to boil before I'd even carried in all the stuff from my car. I cooked two ears of sweet corn that [censored] brought for me - there's only one ear left and it's unclear if I'll eat it, but these two were pretty tasty. Then I mostly procrastinated for a couple of hours to avoid doing a work task I didn't want to do - and when I finally buckled down to do it, it took twenty minutes. This is how these things always go.

And now I need to sleep so I can write again in the morning - goodnight!

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