Thursday, September 24, 2020

and so it goes, we found our sweet disaster

I have nothing to report today. I did the usual coffee/meditation/journal thing this morning, then worked all day. Lunch was a salad from sweetgreen (aka my old life, since it's a San Francisco salad chain), and I took some meetings outside to soak up some sun before winter comes. I also had a funfetti cupcake from my freezer, and that bag of cupcakes is one of my favorite things right now.

By 5:30ish I was done, although I perhaps should not have been. I spent some quality time reading a couple of cookbooks and making some grocery lists - I want to get back into making elaborate meals and this weekend seems like a good time for it. I also made some rice to go with a package of chicken chile verde that I'd pulled from the freezer - I'd made it in August and it freezes well, so it tasted extravagant even though it took no effort tonight.

Then I doomscrolled for way too long, but I finally pulled myself out of it and journaled again, then started reading a book. It's BIG SUMMER by Jennifer Weiner, and I'm not really into it yet (the main character is a plus-sized instagram influencer and I am not sure I like her inner monologue).... But I felt like I have to read it because it has a lot of superficial similarities with the book I'm writing (friends reuniting long after a falling out for a wedding, the influencer lifestyle, New York, etc). They're not the same book at all, but I feel like I need to at least be aware of this one.

But now I'm going to bed - goodnight!

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