Thursday, February 24, 2022

when the sun comes up on a sleepy little town

Honestly, I'm pretty depressed / anxious / angry / sad about the Ukraine situation. Those of you who read this probably know that my family lived in Ukraine for a year when I was twelve, and we went back for a visit in 2007 - all the people my dad got in touch with this weekend in Ukraine didn't think an invasion was happening, so Russia's aggression took them all by surprise.

It's completely crazy to me that we're seeing a massive land/air invasion (against the second-largest country in Europe, to be clear), and also completely crazy to me that 20-30% of the US population will probably casually support Putin on this because Trump says that Putin is very smart, and they because they admire Putin's strong-arm tactics to create a Russian ethnostate and wish to recreate that kind of power in the US. Putin *is* very smart, because he successfully (and provably) used Russian disinformation tactics to 'flood the zone' at various points in the last five years and create extreme confusion and conspiracy theories on American social media, which is a contributing factor to the wedges driven between American groups in the last few years. But I'm hoping that the Ukrainians will be able to hold out, and I'm hoping this stops soon and doesn't domino-effect its way into another world war.

sssanyway. I did have several hours of meetings today, so I couldn't spend all my time doomscrolling. I also had to deal with carpeting - they finished today, which was a day ahead of schedule, and I'm delighted with the results. After they left and I was done with work, I spent some time vacuuming, which is probably a task I will have to repeat regularly for awhile. [censored] and I also went out to our parents' house for dinner - my mom made ham + gluten free mac and cheese, and it was completely delicious. Then we came back to my house, and I did some house stuff, talked to Terry for awhile (it's hard to plan a wedding in a pandemic + a possible world war), got ready for bed, wrote in my journal, etc.

And now, I really need to sleep - even though it's now morning in Ukraine, I'm trying to remember that doomscrolling doesn't actually do anything to help the situation, and I would be better served by getting some sleep instead. Goodnight!

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