Saturday, April 16, 2022

killing your idols is a chore

I went into the Boulder office today, even though I technically didn't have to - but I do like free breakfast, and more importantly I had a package waiting for me that arrived after I left yesterday. The office was pretty dead, but I saw a couple of people and got some work done, so I'll take it.

I did sneak out after lunch to drive home without traffic, and I did a bit more work when I got here. Then, Morganne and EZ came over - we all work together, and Morganne and I also worked together back in 2008, so it was fun to host them for happy hour. After they left, I should have done something productive, but I did literally nothing other than lounge on my chaise and mess around on my phone. After the week I've had I have no regrets about that, but hopefully I can be slightly less sloth-filled tomorrow.

And now I need to sleep and not allow the revenge bedtime procrastination to ruin my night/weekend - goodnight!

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