Friday, September 23, 2022

midnight train going anywhere

I got several tings done today, but [censored] and I just spent three hours dealing with my bed, which was a project that I thought would take twenty minutes. In trying to put my adjustable platform bed onto my Denver bed frame, we discovered that the issue a repair guy claimed was fixed last fall was, in fact, not fixed, and is a total problem for me using it with my bed frame. Because [censored] is v. mechanically gifted, [censored] believes he understands how to solve the problem, but it requires a part that I may have thrown away because there was no obvious use for it after the repair guy claimed it was fixed. So, we'll see if I can find the part tomorrow or if the company will send me the part.

So, I'm glad there's a fix, but I had embarked on this project so that I wouldn't have bed frame pieces all over my room - and now the bed frame is put together, but the adjustable base is against the wall instead. Two steps forward, etc. I feel like I have been moving for months, which is pretty much true, but at least I'm making a little tiny bit of progress.

sssanyway. I did some other stuff today, including emptying a giant box of stuff in the garage. And I made a v. tasty dinner - I prepped some chicken breasts stuffed with cream cheese/bacon/herbs and wrapped in prosciutto, and then I took them out to my parents' house, where I baked them while making baked potatoes and roasting broccoli. It was all v. tasty, if I do say so myself. And now, I need to make my bed so that I can go to sleep - goodnight!

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