Friday, September 30, 2022

say goodbye to hollywood

I had a nice day - the weather is in that perfect in-between phase where it's nice and sunny but not too hot / not too cold, so after I made my coffee this morning, I took a bit of a walk around town. Some areas of town were hit hard by toilet paper this week, since it's homecoming and the kids indulged in a lot of tp-ing around the county, but I'm mostly unscathed. And I got back from my walk just in time to do some journaling while drinking more coffee, before showering, eating some huevos rancheros, and then driving to the next town over.

When I got there, I spent some quality time considering the endless question of countertops - I am struggling to decide how much I want to invest in a house that I will never get my money out of, vs. acknowledging that I intend to have it for the long haul and also cook all the time, and therefore want it to be nice. So, I discussed countertop samples with my supplier for awhile, which was quite helpful. Then, I went to Walmart to grab a few tings, came home, did some work, and took a nap.

Eventually, [censored] and I went to our parents' house for supper, where my dad had barbecued some really excellent chicken and my mom prepped baked potatoes and cheesy veggies to go with it. So, supper was v. tasty, and it was nice to hang out for awhile. When we got back to town, I abandoned [censored] so I could do some stuff for my online writing class + continue brainstorming my book. A v. interesting idea is cooking, but we'll see what comes out....

And now I really need to sleep - goodnight!

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