Saturday, December 17, 2022

last night i had an awful dream

Yesterday and today were both pretty good - it's still all house stuff all the time, while also trying to get ready for Christmas. Happily, my stove is in...but the counters aren't, so there's still no sink or dishwasher or place to prep food. That didn't stop me from testing the stove last night by making one of my go-to pasta recipes - the stove is a delight, and I can't wait to be able to actually cook.

Today I should have gotten a lot more done, but I got a lot of sleep instead. I did do a bit of stuff around the house, and I also went shopping at a couple of little boutiques in town. And I stopped at my parents' house to pick up the dishes I ran through their dishwasher + discuss the Christmas menu (and steal some of my dad's peanut brittle).

When I got home, I spent some time in the basement with [censored], inspecting a pit full of water and centipedes (but no rats, which was a glass-half-full observation that only Mae me more unhappy because I hadn't considered that as a possibility). This would have all been more of a minor curiosity if it weren't in my basement, but we'll see what we discover next down there.

Then, we went out for dinner for my mom's birthday, which was great. And now, I need to sleep so I can do a million things tomorrow - goodnight!

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