Thursday, June 08, 2023

when you first come in the game, they try to play you

I have nothing of note to report today - I had a multihour meeting about the mural festival this morning, and I do not like having my mornings impeded upon, so that messed up my flow. I mean, the meeting was good (although there is a lot to do), but still, I wish these things could happen in the afternoon instead.

sssanyway. When I got home, I made a tuna salad sandwich, did a tiny bit of house stuff, and took a nap to recover from the indignity of having to leave the house before I wanted to. I did do some writing in the late afternoon, and again until it got too dark to be on my balcony (with a break for leftover pasta somewhere in there). And then, when I was done writing, I played Zelda for a few hours (longer than I intended, since I started at nine p.m. and thought I would just play for an hour...but it was more like 3.5). Zelda isn't the most useful thing I could do with my time, but it clears my head better than a lot of other time wasters, so no regrets tonight.

After I finally stopped playing, I switched some laundry out, took out my contacts, and spent twenty minutes drafting something for the mural festival that I wanted to send out tonight. And now, I'm definitely going to bed (because my Nintendo Switch is charging in the other room, not because I suddenly have all sorts of willpower). Goodnight!

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