Sunday, May 06, 2018

i don't need no dollar bills to have fun tonight

Soooo...after I said I was going to bed at nine last night, I picked up the book I was reading on the plane and stayed up until midnight. This was probably a good thing, since I slept until 8am, which means I'm theoretically half-adjusted to the jetlag already. Of course, I was so crushed tonight that I took a nap from 7-8pm, which was entirely ill-advised, but I'm going to hope that I sleep tonight despite that.

Anyway, as I said, yesterday was uneventful - I was delayed on the Dublin to Chicago flight, but since Dublin is one of the airports where you go through US Customs on the Dublin side before boarding, the delay didn't impact me in Chicago. This was, however, the first time I've flown such a small plane from Europe to the US - it was a 757, with three seats on either side of the aisle, similar to planes flown from Denver to SF. I'm sure none of you care about that, but I found it interesting (and also mildly disgusting, since the bathroom nearest me had somehow ended up with a full sewage compartment/toilet by the end).

Today, I mostly relaxed - I did a tiny bit of stuff this morning, and also read a lot of twitter, and mostly tried not to nap. I also talked to [censored], who was totally [censored], as usual. But I left the house and walked around this afternoon, which helped - it was 75 and gorgeous here, so I walked to Modern Market and had a late lunch (salad, since I'm trying to detox from too many weeks of wine and other indulgences). On the way back, I grabbed a couple of things at the grocery store, then came home and called my parents.

This evening, I should have done something mildly productive...or at least cooked food for the week. Instead, I finished some more laundry (I did four loads today), took a nap, ate an omelette, and did very little else of note.

And now, unfortunately, I have to gird myself for going to the office tomorrow - I could really use another day of relaxing before starting the grind again, but it's not meant to be. Goodnight!

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