Wednesday, May 01, 2019

it's about to go down

I got up and wrote this morning despite being in a somewhat foul mood, but for some reason no one gave me a medal.

So, medal-less, I went to the office, where I slogged from nine to five. Then I went to happy hour with my team - since my boss is in town, we had an excuse to go out, which resulted in me subsisting on wine and fries tonight (don't let me pretend that this was a sacrifice). Then I came home, did a bit of stuff around the house, and did a bit of work for the last hour or so.

And now, I should probably sleep if I want to repeat the writing feat tomorrow + avoid the crankiness feat tomorrow. But the upside of my foul mood was that I taught my French coworker the word 'curmudgeonly', so I guess I did one good deed today. Goodnight!

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