Wednesday, October 26, 2022

sleep just to dream her

I did less than I would have liked today, but far more than might be expected on the day after a trip, so I'll take it. I was lazy all morning and half the afternoon, but I made a tasty tuna sandwich and used it to revive me. Eventually, I spent some quality time painting a second coat on the garage walls - while the previous efforts looked pretty good, I knew in my heart of hearts that a second coat would make it better. So, I finally broke down and did it, although I didn't bother touching up around the garage doors. We'll see how it looks in the morning, but I am glad I got it done.

Then I ate a baked potato with some pulled pork that I had waiting for me in the freezer. I also procrastinated a bit more before deciding to throw in the towel and read - I'm still deeply engrossed in an extremely weird fantasy novel, and unfortunately I'm approaching the climax but can't stay up to finish it if I have any hope of getting anything done tomorrow. So now it's time for bed - goodnight!

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