Saturday, October 08, 2022

they reach into my head to steal the glory of my story

I had a pretty chill day - some would argue that it was too chill, since I didn't finish getting my stuff out of the garage (which has been on the books for weeks). However, I have acquired the paint for the garage and have also purchased new garage door openers, so I would argue that I'm making some contributions, even if it's still going to be a slog to get to the point that [censored] and I can paint it next weekend.

Beyond that, I did clear out a bit of garage stuff today, which was better than nothing. I also put away some stuff upstairs, making yet another small dent in my disorganized post-move detritus. And I did a small bit of organizing in the basement. Someday, my house will be tidy and clean, but it is not this day.

In the afternoon, I took a break from house projects to go to a 50th anniversary party for Clell and Lee Ann. This is the kind of thing that I would normally have missed without a second thought because I wouldn't have flown back for it, but since I was here, I went. It was pretty nice and there was a good turnout, and I spent some time talking to various people (including the other, unrelated Clell; and also Clell's niece). Before we got to the party, [censored] and I also stopped to see a guy about [censored], which resulted in me getting some decent town gossip from the guy's wife (who is the mother of one of my high school classmates). So all in all, it was a very good #smalltownlife afternoon.

Then I came home, prepped some food, and went out to my parents' house to make dinner. I made a creamy chicken and mushroom parmesan dish with mashed potatoes + a caesar salad, and it was pretty tasty (if I do say so myself). And now, I should sleep in the interest of getting some tings done tomorrow - goodnight!

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