Monday, February 24, 2020

it's coming down to nothing more than apathy

Sorry for not blogging last night - I was insanely tired, and I'll insanely tired again, so this will be brief.

I flew into SF yesterday morning, and promptly rented a car and drove straight to Oakland (aka the dirty east bay), where I had brunch with Claudia.  She was in fine form, and I loved seeing her. Then I came back to the city, took a nap, called my parents, and worked for about ninety minutes. But Chandlord rescued me from my drudgery, and we had a ridic dinner at Stinking Rose, where I'm pretty sure we sat at the same table that Katie and I sat in eighteen years ago. We also had drinks at 15 romolo, and it was all great.

Then I crashed last night, and this morning was rough, and I'm falling asleep writing this. Today I had a bunch of work, then had a leisurely dinner with Barbara and Anne in San Mateo. That did my soul a lot of good even if my body is too tired to feel supportive at the moment.

And now I really must sleep - goodnight!

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