Wednesday, May 13, 2020

you could show a little grace, but maybe things just went a bit too far

My morning mostly began by getting up slightly too late after going to bed slightly too late, and then getting the usual text from Adit (taunting me for twenty years of life choices, which I prefer to believe is his love language). Oddly enough, that seemed to be a recipe for success - I was pretty happy with work today. I also took a break at lunch to prep a couple of accoutrements for tonight's dinner - I made baja fish tacos, which Aunt B made for me once and I've repeated a few times. The fish tacos require prepping some pickled red onions and also some cabbage slaw, as well as a fancier version of sour cream, so I made all of that at lunchtime.

Then I slogged the rest of the day before finishing making supper - the fish was easy to marinate and cook, and the tacos turned out super well. I had a margarita to go with them, which was also a delight. And then I pretty much wasted the rest of the evening - no regrets, and I chatted with some friends, but I certainly could have done more than I did.

But that's a problem for tomorrow - right now it's time to sleep. Goodnight!

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