Thursday, June 04, 2020

jack and coke soaked in my bones

Today felt long, even though it wasn't bad...but I wasn't feeling particularly productive, which made my meetings all feel just slightly more annoying. When I was done at the end of the day, I spent more time than I wanted to making tings in the kitchen - I decided to make twice-baked potatoes, which I really enjoy and like to have in the freezer for future meals. While those were cooking, I also poached some chicken, cooked extra bacon, and boiled eggs for cobb salads. This was all a good idea and I'll be grateful for it later, but today it meant that I got multiple pans, knives, cutting boards, etc dirty and had to do more cleanup than I like to do, especially on work nights.

But cooking was good overall, and while I cooked I watched a speech given by a scifi author - he was speaking "at Stanford", but that really meant over Zoom. It was cosponsored by my major department (which is why I knew about it, since they sent a list to their alumni group) and the creative writing department, about the difference between science and magic in creative writing. The topic was v. interesting to me since that's a theme of my off-again/on-again young adult fantasy; I would say the talk wasn't quite what I expected, but it was interesting enough to think about while I cooked.

Then I ate dinner, messed around, played some Animal Crossing (turnip prices are lookin' good!) and now it's time for bed. Goodnight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, did you poach the chicken from your neighbor's yard?