Tuesday, May 24, 2022

harry you’re no good alone

Today was much better than yesterday, mostly because I actually did things. I spent the morning taking care of myself and also writing, which felt fantastic. I had some leftovers for lunch, and then I drove to Boulder and ran a whole bunch of errands. Unfortunately, because we live in America in 2022, I had a moment before going into Target where I wondered I would be shot like the people at the grocery store here last year, but I decided it is still a few days too soon for the copycat of the shooting in Texas today, even though they still haven't buried everyone from the shooting in Buffalo last week. So I bought my Kleenexes and didn't get shot, which means I live to be annoyed another day.

ssssanyway. After that I went to Starbucks and wrote for a bit more, and then I met my friend Sara for a delightful dinner in Longmont. And now I'm wiped out and need to sleep - goodnight!

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