Sunday, June 02, 2019

i just thought the drums of war beat louder warnings

Hermiting out today was the right call - while I should have seen my aunt (sorry B!) or maybe made a fun plan of some kind, it was pretty necessary for me to stick around the house and accomplish a bunch of stuff. I spent the morning taking care of a variety of mundane tasks until I realized I was starving. So, I grabbed motomaki for lunch (hopefully living off salmon poke isn't going to kill me, because I love it too much to quit). I also went to Staples and Home Depot, which is in the same complex as motomaki - at Staples, I got some posterboard and 20 boxes for books and other similar items, and at Home Depot I got some painting supplies for testing paint swatches.

Then I stopped by the local Benjamin Moore store to pick up some more paint chips, and ended up getting a couple of paint samples. I think I complained before that I've been in there three times and no one has ever said hi to me - this continued today, but when I found the paint guy and asked him for help, he turned out to be super friendly and helpful. It's still unclear to me what all is in that store or how you go about purchasing it (the paint guy is at the front, but that's apparently not checkout - checkout appears to be in the middle of the store). But I came home with three paint samples, which felt like success.

This isn't all the paint sampling I need to do - it was more a test run to see whether painting posterboard makes sense. The problem with paint chips is that they're too small to really know how they'll look on the wall, and the other problem is that I am not actually in my house yet, so I can't paint swatches on the walls directly. Instead, I put plastic down on my entire living room floor here and painted three posterboards. All in all, it was really quick and not too messy - and while I like the neutral that I picked for the laundry room, the pink I was testing for the office is perhaps a little too pink, and the green I tested for the guest room is perhaps a little too green. That said, the pink color is called 'kept love letters', which feels v. appropriate for a romance writer's office - and I do like it, so we shall see.

After that, I called my parents and talked for awhile, and also researched washers and dryers since I need to buy a set for my house. Then I made supper - I tried a new thai green curry recipe in the Instant Pot, and it turned out amazingly well. I discovered that I actually didn't have any brown sugar in the house (I haven't baked in ages), so I just left it out, and it was great without it. I also made some cauliflower rice to go with it, and all in all it made me happy.

Then I finished messing around with paint, folded some clean sheets, put away laundry, and spent the last couple of hours finishing sorting my books. This was probably a waste of time - I'm discarding around thirty, which could have easily just come to the next place in a fraction of the time I spent over the last two days going through them all. But it reminded me how many wonderful books are sitting on my shelves and how much I miss reading more regularly, so perhaps that will lead to a good outcome someday...

And now, alas, I need to remember that I have to go to the day job tomorrow and get many things done - so sleep is necessary, especially if I'm going to write before work. Goodnight!

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