Friday, June 07, 2019

the acid doesn't help, i'm paranoid as hell

I had to walk to work this morning since I left my car there last night, so I didn't get any writing done this morning. I also had a slightly frustrating day - not really bad, but several meetings were less than ideal, and I wasn't feeling it. That's sad, actually, since in many ways I was feeling it - I have a lot of ideas for what I want to do with my time, team, etc., but I'm bogged down in a lot of random quicksand instead.

sssanyway. That's not interesting. I stayed at the office until ~5pm, then grabbed takeout from Motomaki, came home, and spent the evening alternating between painting posterboards with paint samples, making lists of things to do, drinking wine, and browsing decorator blogs. I like a lot of the colors I painted tonight (all six of them), so I think I'm headed toward a possible palette. Now, though, I need to sleep - I have a million things I want to do this weekend, and sleep is necessary if I'm going to do any of it. Goodnight!

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