Monday, June 17, 2019

model citizen zero discipline

I was a bit too self-indulgent this morning - I stayed in bed until nine, which was not what I intended to do. I ended up taking care of some stuff in Boulder before eventually grabbing lunch at Chipotle and then picking up a couple of minor things at Home Depot. So, I didn't make it to Denver until after one.

But, I did manage to put the first coat of paint on my office walls, and so far it looks great. It took longer than I expected, mostly because cutting in took way more time than planned - it was a combination of not being particularly skilled (and therefore slow) + having my hand cramp up partway through (my hand is too small for normal-people brushes, apparently). Still, the first coat looks really good - and I'm going to go back tomorrow when there's more light to do the second coat. Once I got through the first coat, I had no regrets that I chose to do this - and even thought that maybe I should press on and do the guest room, but that's probably a fool's bargain.

sssanyway, I finished the first coat of paint with few issues, other than a rather hilarious five minutes in which I accidentally touched the ceiling with the roller, then reached for a wet cloth to wipe the paint off -- but accidentally ejected the roller from the frame and dropped it straight into the paint bucket, which I had to grab with my bare hand to keep from losing the roller in the paint. I got the paint off the ceiling, but as I was washing my hands to get rid of the paint where I'd grabbed the roller, I accidentally spilled my Diet Coke all over the sink and floor. Oops. But once all of that was cleaned up, it was smooth sailing the rest of the night.

I did throw in the towel, though, and talked to my parents for a bit, as well as texted with [censored] and Drewbaby. Then I drove back to Boulder and had a quick dinner at Pizzeria Locale. And now, even though it's relatively early, I'm going to go to bed - and set my alarm for the morning so I don't indulge quite so much. Wish me luck with that - goodnight!

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