Sunday, September 01, 2019


Thanks to some sort of sorcery or dark magic, I slept for thirteen hours last night. I went to bed at eleven, with my alarm set for 6:30 and grand plans to get back on this timezone and accomplish all sorts of things. Instead, I shut my alarm off, went to the bathroom, crawled back into bed with the intention of sleeping for another few minutes...and woke up at noon.

So, fingers crossed I've gotten enough sleep to fully recover from Sydney. I didn't get much done today as a result of my sloth - I finally got up, showered, went to Starbucks for a gigantic iced coffee and some food, did some journaling/listmaking there, and then went to a garden store and bought a couple of plants. Buying plants was on my list of things to do, but pretty far down in order of importance - oops.

Then I came home and talked to my parents, as I always do on Sundays. After that, I was hungry and had no food in the house (groceries should have come before plants, in retrospect), so I walked down to el camino, where I had the best nachos in the world (seriously, they're pretty stunning). Then I came home again and spent the rest of the evening making lists, perusing online sales (Labor Day is good for that), and ordering a couple of things (side tables for outdoors + bar stools for my bar - the bar stools were particularly challenging since my bar is taller than average, so let's see how I did). I still want to get a living room rug, a chair, and something for my dining nook, but this was good progress.

Now, though, I should go to bed and see if tomorrow holds an earlier wake-up time. Goodnight!

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