Monday, August 08, 2022

self-sabotage is a sweet romance

I had a nice day, all in all - I took care of a bunch of paperwork-type stuff, and I did a tiny bit of unpacking. I also conned [censored] into helping me to move my bed before [censored] left for the next few days - I am supposedly going to paint my bedroom this week, but I'm feeling a startling lack of urgency given that I can live without unpacking my bedroom or my office for another stretch of time. However, if I want to maintain the charade that I'm going to paint, I need my bed to be in the middle of the room instead of up against the wall - so I accomplished that task, which was enough for one day.

In the middle of the day, I took an unusual break to pick up pizza and take it to my parents' house - my mom's sister was unexpectedly in town, so we had lunch. After lunch, I left the sisters to their own devices and came home, but they showed up later for the grand tour of my house. The grand tour currently involves more messes than I would like for it to involve, but it's still fun to show off this weird and delightful space.

Towards evening, I took a walk to drop my water bill payment in the slot at city hall. And I spent some quality time hanging out on my balcony at sunset - it was cooler today than it has been, so it was a nice night for sitting outside and observing the sounds and sights of the neighborhood. I also wrote a little bit after, which was a nice way to ease into the story.

But now, I need to sleep - goodnight!

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