Tuesday, August 25, 2020

never mind, these are horrid times

I had a ridiculously busy day, especially considering that today was technically a no-meeting-day. Part of it was self-inflicted - I got up and wrote a few pages before work, and so I didn't get to my day job desk until 9:30. Then I slogged v. much nonstop until 1:30 (well, I guess I stopped for lunch), including three meetings (thanks, no-meeting-day!).

At that point, I had to vacate my house - I had an appointment with my eye doctor, which means I had to drive to Boulder for the first time since April (!). My eye doctor was conveniently located five minutes from my office, which is no longer convenient in the current environment. But the appointment was good, even if masks make you fog up the optometry equipment. And then I took the opportunity to go to Target in the late afternoon, trying to avoid the swarms of people on the weekends - my buying habits have changed, and so I felt like I needed to get laundry detergent, soap, cleaning supplies, etc., before any of it runs out. They were basically out of hand soap and mostly out of dish soap, but I was able to get most of the stuff on my list (and some impulse buying in the office/school section, + a container of disinfecting wipes that are the first ones I've seen since quarantine began).

Then I stopped at Home Depot to pick up something for [censored], and I got a couple of things for my garden + a cover for my grill for the winter. Then I came home, ate some leftover Indian food, and watched the RNC while prepping food - I made cobb salads for the next three days, stored in careful layers inside mason jars to keep them from getting soggy.

And then, I worked for the last two hours, which is sad but necessary (and not that onerous since I clearly skipped out for part of the afternoon). And now I must sleep - goodnight!

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