Monday, August 03, 2020

take a picture you could never recreate

I had a nice day today, and I'm getting dangerously accustomed to not doing day job stuff....which will be interesting to navigate when I go 'back' a week from today. And by 'back' I mean 'here', but with my work laptop instead of my personal one. That reminds me that the top priority for the rest of the week is to set up my dining room as my work office - it's been really nice to use my writing office as a writing office again, but doing day job work from here means that I don't ever want to use my writing office on the weekends. Yes, two offices for one person is ridiculous....but coronavirus is ridiculous and we're living in strange times.

sssanyway. I got up this morning in time to make coffee and meditate (and journal for approx three minutes) before meeting up with Veronica for a morning writing date. It was good to have a reason to force myself to log in at an early-ish hour, and that time was super productive - we only talked for a few minutes, and I ended up writing almost six pages. Yay. Thus feeling smugly accomplished for the day, I took a quick nap, showered, had some lunch, and ran a couple of errands (coffee, wine, and groceries - the trifecta of necessities). Then I came home and spent a couple of hours attempting to organize my basement - it's not in bad shape and I could have just shoved stuff into a corner anyway, but I'm trying to make it an appealing place in which to work out since I'm going to be stuck in my house forever. I still need to haul up a bunch of trash and boxes, and then set up my workout space, but I definitely made progress.

Then I made a somewhat elaborate dinner (not really, but I tested a new recipe for broccoli rabe that took longer than expected, and made a ribeye + reheated a frozen twice baked potato to go along with it). And then I read on my back patio for a couple of hours, which was delightful, before folding laundry and doing other responsible adult human tasks. And now I'm going to go to bed - goodnight!

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