Friday, August 14, 2020

she grew up tall and she grew up right

Today was beautiful, despite the smoke from a massive wildfire up in the mountains that added an even-more-apocalyptic cast to the current apocalypse. I had to wake up earlier than I preferred since I had a plumber coming at eight to fix my bathtub - he actually showed up at 7:45 and was done in less than 20min, so that was efficient and I would def hire him again.

So, since I was showered and dressed at that point, I did about an hour of work. Then I did a quick writing date with Veronica and got a couple of pages in 30ish minutes of writing, which was great. And then I slogged straight from ten to six, and I got a lot done, so I guess the slog was worth it.

I stopped typing mid email when Katie showed up - she came bearing bottles of cocktails, and we ordered sushi and sat on my patio for four hours to belatedly celebrate her birthday and catch up on life. It was a lovely, hilarious evening despite the smoke and the state of the world, and I enjoyed it immensely.

And now I must sleep - goodnight!

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